Saturday, April 2, 2016

Hair drug test - Everything you need to know

When you consume any drug, the active ingredients / substances will circulate through the body. Usually called metabolites, these traces of chemicals can accumulate in the hair follicles. As your hair strands grow longer, the follicles will deposit the chemicals within your hair, which a properly administered hair drug test can detect.

Usually, most of the cuts for hair tests are taken from the back of your head. After all, nobody wants a bad hair day. The test requires about 1 to 3 clumps of about 50 hair strands.

If you are about to go through a hair follicle drug test and have used drugs recently, you should keep in mind that there’s a 90-day detection window. You see, hair grows about 1.5 inches within a span of 90 days, and administrators of the test usually take hairs that are ‘round about that long.

 Quick Fixes To Avoid The Dreaded “Positive”

If you are know you’re going to be tested, you should stop using any drugs RIGHT away. This is especially true if you are seeking employment as it can jeopardize your efforts to land a job. Having said that, you might not be using drugs BUT you are afraid that a “false positive” may turn up. Believe it or not, with our hairs exposed to all sorts of elements, getting a “false positive” is always a possibility. With that in mind, you may want to take the steps below for good measure.

 Method 1 Hair Dyeing

Constantlydyeing one’s hair is usually frowned upon as it damages the scalp and strands. If you’re about to take a hair follicle test and are worried about “false positives,” hair dyeing and the damage it causes could actually work to your advantage. It’s like “adulterating” your hair – mixing other chemicals and substances to the traces of drugs and their metabolites are diluted if you will.

There are a lot of standard dyeing kits that can be bought over the counter. Remember to rinse your hair well and use the conditioning treatment that comes with the kit. As for the frequency of coloring, opinions among users differ – with some recommending to color your hair once a day for 4-5 days before the hair follicle test. Keep in mind however that should you go down this route, you’ll end up with dry, damaged hair.

 Method 2 Use Vinegar

This might make you throw up, but this is worth it. To start, let vinegar sit on your hair and scalp for 15 to 20 minutes without rinsing. Once your strands have absorbed the vinegar, soak it with a salicylic acid (2% concentration). Just like vinegar, let the salicylic acid sink in by leaving it untouched for roughly 30 minutes. Next, get a scoop of powdered detergent and a small amount of water to make a paste. Once done, rub it against your hair and scalp…and let it sit for 30 minutes without rinsing.

Since hair follicles and samples are taken from the back of the head, it makes perfect sense to concentrate the vinegar, salicylic acid, and detergent at the back of your head. To finish, rinse your hair thoroughly until all of the products are washed off. Check this video for more info on how to pass a hair follicle drug test.


Friday, March 25, 2016

How to pass a drug test in a day?

A drug test can be a stressful event in the lives of those who occasionally like to smoke pot. It can seem to be the most unfair way to judge a person because it bases the person's merit on his recreational preferences rather than his intellect and skill set. 

 Many lose their jobs and the opportunity to grow over this and it becomes impossible for so many to keep their weekend recreations if they want to enhance their career. How to pass a drug test in a day? Is it even possible to do it at such a short notice? To be honest, most drugs tend to stay in your system for really long and some drugs like marijuana can even be detected after months of use. This comes off as a very unfair thing and many people feel they are being punished for something they did so long ago.

 If you have lost all hopes for clearing the test , you there is good news for you. Yes, you can pass your drug test and if you prepare well in the day before by using just natural home remedies. Most urine cleanser kits don't even work that well so you should not even think about investing in those. However, it is difficult to predict if these methods will work but they are worth trying than simply giving up on your hopes of holding your job! Despite the fact that your body needs weeks to completely remove the traces of marijuana and other drugs from its system, yes, there is hope for you.

Diuretics is the first method which we will discuss in this post. These are a class of medication that are designed to increase the loss of water from the body and increase your speed of detoxification by promoting the production of urine. This accelerates the expulsion process and helps in quicker detoxification. This will cause all the salts from your body to get out of the system and you will find your system getting cleaner. If you start using this method around 3 to 4 days before the actual test, the chances of detoxification will increase substantially. 

Diuretics, for the most part, are safe but unfortunately, there can be some really harmful side effects if you overdose. So, make sure that you do not consume them in more quantities than the officially defined one and you will be safe from any kind of problems.  Midol is diuretic which is a medication used to treat bloating during the menstruation period in women. It will also safely and effectively clean your urine in the day so you can produce a cleaner sample the next day.

There are some other ways which can help you pass the urine test but what are they? How to pass a drug test in a day? Find out on this blog.